Jan 13, 20211 min

Anderson Cooper: Hypocrisy Personified

Anderson Cooper: Trump protestors will “go back to the Olive Garden and to the Holiday Inn they are staying at.”

But Trump and his supporters are dividing the country? OK 👌🏻

“Look at them, they’re high-fiving each other for this deplorable display of completely unpatriotic, completely against law and order, completely unconstitutional behavior, it’s stunning,” Cooper said. “And they’re going to go back, you know, to the Olive Garden and to the Holiday Inn they’re staying at, and the Garden Marriott and they’re going to have some drinks and they’re going to talk about the great day they had in Washington … They stood up for nothing other than mayhem.”

this is not the first time Cooper’s put his foot in his mouth with Trump supporters. In fact his rhetoric and disdain for anyone that doesn’t live in New York or Los Angeles has been growing exponentially lately.
