July 4, 2021

Peer-reviewed medical journals recently published research findings on the harmful effects of masks on children, and questions on the risks associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.
In a study of masked German students, scientists measured carbon dioxide content in “inhaled air,” which was at least three times higher than German law allows, according to a letter in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics, per Just the News.
Similarly, the journal Vaccines published research that estimates every three deaths prevented by vaccination are offset with two deaths caused by vaccination.
Both papers share an author, Herald Walach.
“Most of the complaints reported by children” in Germany, including irritability, headache and lack of desire to go to school, “can be understood as consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air,” the paper said. It cited the “dead-space volume of the masks, which collects exhaled carbon dioxide quickly after a short time.”
It suggests reconsidering the requirement of children to wear masks.
As reported by Just the News, the authors tried out various masks on 45 healthy children, aged 6 to 17, in Germany. The room was “well ventilated several times.”
The first 3-minute measurement served as a baseline unmasked carbon dioxide levels. The next 3 minutes were for carbon dioxide content in “joint inhaled and exhaled air.”
The child with the lowest level was three times higher than the level permitted by German law.