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🎥 Retired 30-Yr Navy Chaplain Blows Whistle on Capitol Hill Protest, Reveals FBI Testimony

Courtesy of 100 Percent Fed Up – Pressley Stutts proudly served in the United States Navy as a chaplain for 30 years. He’s retired from the military now and is a small business owner in South Carolina. When he’s not working, Pressley, who is a true patriot, is busy volunteering in some capacity to save our Republic. On January 6, 2021, an estimated one million Americans made their way to Washington DC for a peaceful protest against what a majority of Americans believe was a stolen election. Pressley was one of those amazing patriots who braved the cold and hostile conditions put in place by DC’s mayor, including shuttered restaurants, stores, bars and even closed public restrooms in our nation’s Capitol building, as they stood up for election integrity in America.

Mr. Stutts traveled to DC to show his support for President Trump. He wasn’t part of a planned insurrection, he certainly never imagined he’d find himself on the steps of the Capitol building, but when the barricades around the Capitol building were removed and a police officer motioned for him and hundreds of protesters to advance to the Capitol steps, he joined hundreds of others to voice his support for lawmakers inside who were set to reject electors from contested states.

Pressley Stutts never got past the steps of the Capitol. He did, however, witness men dressed in all black who broke out windows at the Capitol building while Trump supporters warned they were members of the violent far-left domestic terror group, Antifa. Pressley explained that he heard women shouting, “Antifa! Antifa!” as the men dressed in black bashed out the windows of the Capitol.

His time on the steps of the Capitol building was short-lived, but the targeting of Mr. Pressley for daring to stand on the steps of the Capitol building on January 6th may follow this innocent man for the rest of his life.

Here is Pressley’s incredible story of multiple unfounded interrogations by the TSA this weekend after VOLUNTARILY agreeing to speak with the FBI.

📖 VIDEO TRANSCRIPT - First Person Narrative:

Stutts: We made our way up Constitution Avenue to the to the Capitol, to the grounds of the Capitol, and a large crowd had already started gathering. They were on the scaffolding and they were all around. And we were on the west steps of the Capitol. They looked down the mall to the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial. And as we got closer and looked up, we were up about halfway to two thirds up on the steps of the Capitol and we ran for a second.

McMurray: Personally, I just want to ask you, how did you get to that point? Did you let into that point? Did you push down barricades to get to that point? How did you get like that? You ended up on the Capitol steps. Yeah, we barricades have been removed. We just walked up. We were invited to go up there.

Who invited you?

Stutts: Well, I saw one police officer. I don't know if he was D.C. police or Capitol Police. I didn't really look to make sure, but he said just go on up. So we walked up the grass there. There were bicycle barricades, but they had been removed in that way. So we walked on up to the steps. I didn't feel like going up from that scaffolding. It was tempting because it was a bird's eye view of everything going on.

Stutts: But as I looked at that carefully, I thought, Swain, that structural engineer, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that can come tumbling down. And I didn't want to be in its path. So but we made our way up to the steps. We were chatting our house yesterday, you know, various charts like that. And it was a very festive atmosphere. We did see some tear gas canisters going off to our left.

Stutts: And I got a little tear gas that probably, I don't know, seventy five hundred yards that tear gas. But people were just trying to make the way up. But the closer we got, we heard people yelling No. A. a. a. a. a.. But if you could, we could hear the banging of, like, something that they were trying to bang the doors. And I literally saw them poking at the windows and forcing doors.

McMurray: Who is "they" when you say you saw them poking at the windows with sticks?

Stutts: Well, we saw people. Dressed in black and grey - we were all trying to stop them.

Stutts: But before it was over, the narrative was this, that these were all Trump supporters going on taking over that capital. But I can tell you all Trump supporters, we wore our red caps. We were wrapped in flags and different things such as that. But the guys that we saw working up there trying to get in, they were dressed in black and gray. We didn't see any Trump shirts, or hats, on all them.

Stutts: I did see one gentleman as we were walking up the grass up the hill toward Capitol Hill.

He was walking away from the Capitol and he was very determined. And in his place, he had all a camouflage ball cap and he took it any longer, like a Frisbee. And I thought that was odd. But this is before we knew anything was going on. And so by the time we get up there, we're getting these alerts in these news stories of breaking that the Capitol had been breached. So from my vantage point, what I saw and then we were also confronted by a number of large young guys wearing hoodies and gas masks. They were walking away from the Capitol, for the record. I didn't see where they were, but they were there were about ten of them.

Stutts: So if you ask me, what we witnessed was a false flag event where probably ANTIFA, BLM and who knows what other anarchists were there. They were they were trying to break into the Capitol and then blame it on the Trump supporters. Now, did Trump supporters go into the Capitol? I'm sure they did in the excitement and the moment and the chaos.

Stutts: And eventually and I still believe you will probably see that Capitol Hill police just invited everybody, all of the people to come on in. So they they went in thinking they were being invited in. What was wrong for people to break through those doors? But we got up on the steps and at one point we were so crowded in there like sardines and lost. I keep my feet on the ground, I kind of got pushed up into the crowd when I did look up at that scaffolding and to the people that were with me, I said, you know, we better leave. That scaffolding comes down. Not only that, we're dead. So we left the hill and we got on the Metro.


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