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🎥Three More States Tour the Arizona Audit Floor- More Are Expected EVERY DAY THIS WEEK

This is a big development!

Three different states toured the Arizona Audit floor on Tuesday afternoon.

Representatives from Georgia, Alaska and Colorado toured the facility, in preparation to likely implement the same procedures for their own states Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election. On Tuesday Morning, OAN’s Christina Bobb reported that delegations from Georgia, Alaska, and Colorado are inside of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum for a tour of the historic Arizona audit process.

They are now on the floor for a deep dive into this process and it’s logistics.

The Gateway Pundit reported Monday that Georgia would tour the Veterans Memorial Coliseum as more states were expected to follow.

More states did follow as we have two surprise guests, Colorado and Alaska.

Legislators from these three states received a “classroom style” briefing, and are now on the floor to see firsthand, how this process is run.

These lawmakers are analyzing the audit to make any fixes necessary and implement a similar process at home.

TGP’s Jordan Conradson spoke with Senate Liasion Ken Bennett for another update before the guests arrived on the floor.

Jordan Conradson: I understand Georgia is in the house right now? Ken Bennett: There’s a couple of legislators from Georgia and one from Alaska that are in the building right now. I’ve heard Virginia, I’ve heard Wisconsin, you’ve now told me, Colorado, Nevada was in a few days ago, Pennsylvania last week. It’s becoming a popular place. Conradson: Are you expecting to have, over the next few days, more tours?
Bennett: I’m told that every day this week there is some elected official coming in from some state. Today is Tuesday and if that pattern continues well have somebody in Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Conradson: It looks like they’re starting to max out on forensic tables, correct?
Bennett: We are beyond 80% I’m told, as far as counting the ballots, which is the first step. Then, it goes to the paper evaluation and they are well behind the counting levels in paper evaluation. I’m told that we’ll probably be finished with the counting of the ballots by the end of this week or sooner, and then all of the resources will shift to the paper evaluation. You can already see that paper evaluation has been increased significantly. There’s now 32 working tables and another probably 16 positions on the floor awaiting equipment and things like that. Once the counting is over this week at some time, all resources will shift to the paper evaluation.

As the Audit finishes, more states are coming to AZ in order to witness this process and take it home. The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson will be at the audit every day to provide updates on this strikingly important process


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