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🎥 60 Minutes, Lesley Stahl Slammed for Unearthed Trump Interview After Durham Report

February 15, 2022

Lesley Stahl, a correspondent for CBS' "60 Minutes," is receiving backlash over an unearthed interview with Donald Trump in which she dismissed claims that the former president was spied on during his 2016 campaign.

The backlash comes after new allegations by special counsel John Durham in the inquiry into the origins of the Russia investigation gjzg support the former president's suspicions.

In the October 2020 interview, Trump declared that "the biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign."

"There is no real evidence of that," Stahl responded.

"Of course there is. It's all over the place," Trump said as Stahl quickly shot back with a defiant "No."

The back and forth continued until Stahl reiterated once more that she disapproved of Trump's comments and "didn't know" if what he said was true.

"Then they went much further than that, and they got caught. And you will see that, Lesley, and you know that, but you just don't want-," Trump said before Stahl interjected.

"No," she said. "As a matter of fact, I don't know that."

"Lesley Stahl should apologize to Donald Trump," Trump's son Eric Trump said Sunday on Twitter.

"Her first response is 'there's no real evidence of that.' Incredible. I say all the time: Trump's greatest accomplishment is not any particular policy, but revealing the corruption at the heart of our institutions," said J.D. Vance, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio.

"Ask yourself what else we're told today there's 'no evidence' for," a follow-up tweet read.

"Lesley Stahl tends to be surprised when her liberal contempt ruins her curiosity. She confessed in her memoir that she assumed [Ronald] Reagan was an uninvolved actor in his presidency. Then she saw all his paperwork," NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham tweeted on Sunday.


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