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'Fact Checker' Snopes Confirms Biden Admin Crack-Pipe Story, Gives Story a ‘Mostly False’ Rating

February 9, 2022

On Monday, Patrick Hauf of the Washington Free Beacon reported: “Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity’”.

On Tuesday, Snopes “fact checked” a few blog posts that picked up the Beacon story and confirmed all the major details in the original Beacon report but nevertheless handed down a “Mostly False” rating:

If you read the original Beacon report and the Snopes “fact check,” you’ll see that by “Mostly False,” Snopes really means “True, but We Think the Program Is Good.”

Funding for the program was provided by the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” that congressional Democrats passed on a party-line vote in March 2021.


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