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Maine-Based Democrat Megadonor Arrested on Child Pornography Charges

Elliot Cutler has funded Democrats in Maine and elsewhere, in addition to multiple donations to the Biden campaign

by CULLEN MCCUE | National File | March 26, 2022 in Politics, Sex Crimes

On Friday, a prominent Democrat politician and megadonor in Maine was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. Elliot Cutler, 75, was arrested and charged with four counts of possession of unlawful sexually explicit materials related to subjects under the age of 12 years old, according to News Center Maine. Cutler’s bail was set at $50,000.

The arrest was the end result of a two-month investigation that led law enforcement to conduct a search at two properties owned by Cutler earlier this week. Cutler was held on a $50,000 bail at Hancock County Jail and was expected to appear in court on Monday. Each of the four counts carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. District attorney Matthew J. Foster said that additional charges were expected to be filed against the prominent Democrat.

Cutler previously served in the Carter Administration in the 70’s with the Office of Management and Budget. He has also worked for the office of Maine Sen. Ed Muskie, also a Democrat. Additionally, Cutler ran as an independent for governor of Maine in 2010 and 2014.

In recent years, Cutler has made donations to several high-profile Democrats. The Maine GOP pointed out that the disgraced Democrat made multiple donations to the presidential campaigns of Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Barrack Obama. Additionally, Cutler reportedly made donations to Democratic politicians in Maine, as well as the state Democratic parties in New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Ohio, Colorado, Iowa, Virginia, Nevada, and Florida.

Upon, Cutler’s arrest, Maine GOP Executive Director Jason Savage called on Democrats who have received donations from Cutler to return them. “Eliot Cutler is a benefactor of Maine Democratic Party candidates and has traveled in elite Democrat circles for many decades,” Savage said in an email statement. “His beneficiaries nationwide need to return his donations immediately. This needs to start here in Maine, today.”

SOURCE: National File

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