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📺 New Video Shows COVID Connections to China Bio-Warfare Dept. & CCP Civil-Military Fusion Program

May 30, 2021

Col. Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. shared in a tweet this morning the origin of COVID-19 and its connections to the PLA Bio-Warfare Department and the CCP Civil-Military Fusion Program.

Dr. Sellin‘s update about the origin of COVID-19, the PLA biowarfare program, and CCP civil-military fusion program is in the following tweet:

This is a superbly enhanced rendition of the content of my video with excellent graphics to emphasize the main points. I thank #COVID19 detective @jsdfposjpqyuee1for posting it.#CCPVirus #coronavirus

— Dr. Lawrence Sellin (@LawrenceSellin) May 30, 2021

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