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Pentagon Scientists Revel Microchip That Senses COVID-19 in a Body BEFORE Symptoms Appear

  • Scientists at the Pentagon's secretive unit are researching viruses and developing pandemic cures

  • They work at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and other Pentagon laboratories

  • DARPA's teams saw COVID-19 infected 1,271 onboard USS Theodore Roosevelt as the virus spread unchecked

  • In response they have developed a microchip to detect asymptomatic COVID in a bid to prevent an outbreak

  • The chip is inserted below skin and triggers a sensor if COVID infects the body

  • DARPA have also created a filter which can remove COVID virus from the blood when attached to dialysis

  • They are working on a vaccine that would work against all coronaviruses, even ones not yet identified

  • The team also successfully manufactured antibodies against Spanish Flu

Pentagon scientists working inside a secretive unit set up at the height of the Cold War have created a microchip to be inserted under the skin, which will detect COVID-19 infection, and a revolutionary filter that can remove the virus from the blood when attached to a dialysis machine.

The team at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) have been working for years on preventing and ending pandemics.

They assess the issues and come up with ingenious solutions, which at times appear more from a science fiction novel than a working laboratory.

One of their recent inventions, they told 60 Minutes on Sunday night, was a microchip which detects COVID infection in an individual before it can become an outbreak.

The microchip is sure to spark worries among some about a government agency implanting a microchip in a citizen.

A more detailed explanation was not given.

Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn, an army infectious disease physician leading DARPA's response to the pandemic, showed the 60 Minutes team a tissue-like gel, engineered to continuously test your blood.

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