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🗳AUDIT UPDATE: Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania Hold Enough Electoral Votes to Switch the Election

On November 10, 2020, we reported that there were still a number of avenues for President Trump to win the 2020 Election.

We knew if President Trump were to be awarded the electoral college votes for Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, that would easily be enough for the win.

The President at that time, with the states of Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), Arizona (11), and Nevada (6), still under review or counting, was leading Joe Biden with 232 electoral college votes to Biden’s 226. We knew based on these numbers that President Trump had more avenues to win the election than Biden did. We also knew that the only way these states could go to Biden was with massive fraud.

With President Trump’s 232 electoral college votes, if you add Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), and Arizona (11), three states currently performing or requesting audits on a portion of their state’s results, President Trump wins with 279 votes (270 are needed to win).

This is why the corrupt Democrats are screaming and freaking out. With these three states, Trump wins the electoral college, and the Democrats, the Media, Social Media, and RINOs are proven liars once again.

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