Staff Writer

In other words: making America supplicant again. Phoning Foreign Leaders.
President Biden took phone calls with Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico. In the call with Johnson, Biden “noted the importance of cooperation, including through multilateral organizations,” particularly the Group of Seven (G-7) and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). The White House stressing such multilateralism to the leader of a country that just chose to leave the biggest multilateral experiment in history—The European Union—should raise eyebrows regarding the tact of the Biden regime.
In the call with Obrador, Biden acknowledged the need to stem “irregular migration” from Mexico to the United States—by “addressing its root causes, increasing resettlement capacity and lawful alternative immigration pathways, improving processing at the border to adjudicate requests for asylum, and reversing the previous administration’s draconian immigration policies.”
Which basically all means letting people into American faster and with fewer checks.
Blowback for Keystone XL Pipeline Decision.
Trade associations, labor unions, and the Ute Tribe have all expressed anger toward the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline throughout the first few days of the Biden regime.
“This executive order doesn’t just affect U.S. Teamsters; it hurts our Canadian brothers and sisters as well who work on this project. It will reduce good-paying union jobs that allow workers to provide a middle-class standard of living to their families.”
“The Biden Administration has now put thousands of union workers out of work. For the average American family, it means energy costs will go up and communities will no longer see the local investments that come with pipeline construction.”
“Your order is a direct attack on our economy, sovereignty, and our right to self-determination. Indian lands are not federal public lands. Any action on our lands and interests can only be taken after effective tribal consultation.”
“Revoking the permit for Keystone XL jeopardizes the significant economic, environmental and energy-security gains the pipeline stands to deliver. The project employs nearly 2000 Americans today and would provide over 10 000 high-paying union jobs during its construction, generate much-needed tax revenue, and inject billions of dollars into our economy.”
When asked Thursday if Biden had any message for workers who would lose their jobs from the cancellation. Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded:
“The message of the President and the White House would be that he is committed. His record will show—shows the American people that he’s committed to clean-energy jobs—to jobs that are not only good, high-paying jobs, union jobs, but ones that are also good for our environment. He thinks it’s possible to do both.”
Attempting to undo the Obama years and confront foreign leaders with whom the U.S. disagreed was reported on with panic during the early days of the Trump administration. For big corporate media today, they can’t egg Biden on enough.
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