May 3, 2022

Billionaire tech executive Elon Musk – who recently entered a deal to purchase Twitter for $44 billion – called for accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s client list to be released so that “at least one of them” can “go down.”
On Monday, journalist Tom Elliott tweeted “NBC’s [Medhi Hasan] on [Elon Musk]: ‘If [the ‘neo-Nazi faction’ of the GOP expands in Nov.], we may look back on this .. as a pivotal moment, when a petulant & not-so-bright billionaire casually bought one of the most influential messaging machines & just handed it to the far-right.'”
“We’re just two years away from Donald Trump very possibly reseizing executive power,” Hasan said in the video. “If that happens, we may look back on this past week as a pivotal moment when a petulant & not-so-bright billionaire casually bought one of the most influential messaging machines & just handed it to the far-right.”
In response, Musk accused NBC of “basically saying Republicans are Nazis …”

In a separate tweet, Musk added that the comments came from the “same org that covered up Hunter Biden laptop story, had Harvey Weinstein story early & killed it & built Matt Lauer his rape office. Lovely people.”
A third Twitter user then contributed to the thread, noting that the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell – Epstein’s accomplice – received little coverage in comparison to other minor stories.
“It says it all that we heard more about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock than we heard about Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial. It is also ‘interesting’ that the account tracking the Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial got banned when it gained traction. Lovely people indeed…,” the user tweeted.
Musk replied, “Where is their ‘client’ list? Shouldn’t at least one of them go down!?”
Meanwhile, Musk reiterated his belief that Twitter has the potential to be “the most trusted…forum in the world.”
“There is so much potential with Twitter to be the most trusted & broadly inclusive forum in the world!” Musk tweeted.
“That is why we must clear out bots, spam & scams. Is something actually public opinion or just someone operating 100k fake accounts? Right now, you can’t tell. And algorithms must be open source, with any human intervention clearly identified,” he continued. “Then, trust will be deserved.”

Last week, Actor William Shatner, best known for his role as Captain Kirk in “Star Trek,” called Musk “ador[able]” and offered to become the new “face of Twitter.”
“BTW, since it seems to be the latest ‘thing’ on here. I’m stating that I’m staying on Twitter. Besides I think @elonmusk is adorbs. Also, full disclosure: I’m trying to pitch Elon to hire me as face of Twitter. #dumpthebird,” Shatner tweeted on Thursday.
Musk responded to Shatner’s tweet on Friday, writing, “You will always be my Captain.”
SOURCE: American Military News