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🗳 How Bad Is YOUR State? New Site Details Voter Fraud Figures Down to County Level - MUST SEE

May 18, 2022

Election Analysis by Seth Keshel

Click Map or Use Link Below to Access Full Reports

Former US military intelligence officer and statistical analyst Seth Keshel reportedly predicted the 2016 election outcome accurately in all fifty states.

Following the November 2020 Presidential Election he analyzed the trends of voter registrations versus actual votes and discovered alarming anomalies in a number of counties, ones that defy typical historical trends. He has published reports by county and by state that indicate which counties’ vote counts align with the trend in voter registrations and which have small or large divergences.

Keshel has setup a new website,, that presents detailed statistical analyses of the true vote count in every state and County. Among other resources, users will find maps and charts that flag each county as red, yellow or green, based on whether the 2020 vote totals aligned with the trends, or diverged in statistically unlikely ways. The site further details the "best" and "worst" places for fraud in rank order and includes video presentations, raw data, methodology explanations and much More.

What Makes This Work Accurate?

The polls are not accurate. Anybody that understands anything about analytics realizes that polls suffer from something called “social desirability bias”, where people don’t answer truthfully about which candidate they support or which party they support, which is how you end up with these 43-39 polls with 18 percent undecided. It doesn’t tell you anything. And they’re also made in some ways to suppress turnout, usually of conservatives.
“Polling is generally not an accurate thing it’s been that way for quite some time, but trend analysis is something that goes back decades as far back as these records are available, we’re talking about party registration data. It’s very telling in places like Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. That’s the most accurate predictor there is. And I was able to use data like that, including understanding dynamic shifts and trends to predict the 2016 election perfectly including, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. And the data line over the same exact fashion this year was huge Republican expansion and gains in places like Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. So all the data suggests that these same states [were] turning more Republican. In Georgia, of course, we had a lot of issues on election day. But trend analysis is accurate, it’s plugged into real time, and it identifies behavior, registration data and population.” — From interview with Seth Keshel, on the Gateway Pundit, Aug 5, 2021


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