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Kaiser Permanente Sued for Wrongful Death After California Husband’s Remdesivir Treatment Fails

October 15, 2022

by Juliette Fairley | The Epoch Times

The Remdesivir lawsuits are piling up, as scores of Americans continue to learn the truth about the PLANDemic and the Globalists' depopulation agenda.

Before Rodney Briones’ physicians at Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center in California treated him with Remdesivir, they allegedly did not disclose the risks to him or to his wife, Christina, and did not obtain informed consent, according to a complaint filed by the Briones family.

The couple had gone to the managed care consortium for help after Rodney developed COVID-19 symptoms and tested positive twice for SARS-CoV-2.

A five-day course of treatment with the controversial drug and other allegedly contraindicated, high-risk medications allegedly led to kidney failure for the 50-year-old Briones, who was subsequently placed on a ventilator. During this time, Kaiser Riverside reportedly refused to allow the man’s wife or family to see him. He died on Sept. 12.

“My husband was murdered because of government [expletive],” Christina Briones told The Epoch Times. “I never thought this could happen.”

Kaiser Permanente and Gilead Sciences, the maker of Remdesivir, did not respond to requests for comment.

The grieving wife sued Kaiser in Riverside Superior Court alleging the wrongful death of her husband due to hospital protocol that included administering Remdesvir, which, according to the lawsuit, is a failed Ebola drug that was found to be terminally toxic to the kidneys. The drug was pulled from an Ebola study because more than 53 percent of Remdesivir recipients died, the lawsuit states.

“The Kaiser Riverside physician did not disclose the availability of highly effective Safe Multi-Drug Early Treatment (SMDET) to Rodney when both Rodney and a reasonable patient in Rodney’s position would have wanted the disclosure,” wrote the Briones family attorney Matthew Tyson in the Sept. 7 complaint. “This was constructive fraud.”

The Briones family seeks survivor action general damages as well as wrongful death general and special damages.

“We pioneered Remdesivir wrongful death litigation using a constructive fraud theory, and we filed the very first Remdesivir wrongful death lawsuit in the country, back in June, for Evangeline Ortega,” said Tyson, who is working with Attorney Brian Garrie on multiple Remdesivir lawsuits.

In Evangeline Ortega v. Redlands Community Hospital (RCH), Ortega alleges her 65-year-old husband, Armando, was administered Remdesivir without being told that RCH would receive a financial bonus.

“The financial bonus to RCH was of personal economic interest to physicians working at RCH’s facility and affected their professional judgment,” Tyson wrote in the June 27 lawsuit filed in San Bernardino Superior Court.

Ortega’s husband suffered kidney failure, multiple organ failure, and eventually death, according to the complaint.

“Armando’s risk of death dramatically changed for the worse by 3,000 percent when physicians and staff of Redlands Community Hospital (RCH) failed to disclose, to Armando or Evangeline, the risks associated with the medically unnecessary and extremely dangerous drug Remdesivir,” the lawsuit states.

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