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🔥🎥 Q-Proofs: White Hats & The Mar-A-Lago “Raid”

September 1, 2022

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction...... Confused by the graphic below? What Does it all mean? Scroll down for video explanations....

Q drop 2961: March 4, 2019:

“Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowing your enemy to OPEN THE FRONT DOOR?” >

March 4, 2019:

Time Magazine Cover with the caption: “Knock Knock”

August 31, 2022:

The “FBI” releases one image of the “evidence” collected at Mar-A-Lago. The box at the far right prominently shows the SAME Time Magazine cover.



It is statistically impossible for this sequence of events to be coincidence.

“Future proves past” 🟨 YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE 🍿

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