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🎥 The People's Convoy: Day 10 Video Update 🇺🇸

March 6, 2022

With each passing mile, more vehicles have joined the People's Convoy. The lineup now stretches over 70 miles long and encompasses well over 10,000 vehicles. Thousands of Americans continue to pack nearly every major overpass and median, waving flags and cheering on the Patriots. The convoy converged with 5-6 other convoys in Hagerstown MD, at the Hagerstown Speedway. Reports indicate that so many vehicles reached Hagertown that trucks were spotted parking as far as 40 miles away from the Speedway.

See the route, rally points and donate at

Thousands of trucks, thousands of miles, thousands of American Patriots lining roads, bridges and overpasses cheering and waving flags. One of the largest and most significant movements in American history is, of course, being completely ignored by the treasonous mainstream media.


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