July 20, 2021
In an interview with Steve Bannon, retired Army intelligence captain and former baseball analyst Seth Keshel dropped a bomb by claiming that former President Donald Trump won Pennsylvania by 6-8% in 2020.

Based on models, predictions and over 75 years of historical analysis, this is a fact and not just a hyperbole!
According to Keshel, during the Trump years, from 2016 to 2020, Republicans out-registered Democrats. He based this on his earlier analysis.

Here is my formal declaration for Pennsylvania I wrote back in November.
I knew it was ugly and have been saying it was a slam dunk, 300-400k Trump state. Appears I was light and it may be about a half million.
Another fun fact on PA - the winner of Luzerne County in presidential races has carried PA every election since 1936. Trump still won it over a lot of fraud.
Any Republican in that time frame winning Luzerne County has also never failed to carry Michigan.
We will win.
Trump +6-8 pts. in PA.

There’s more to what he said.