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GiveSendGo plans to ignore Ontario’s attempted interference and pay the truckers anyway

February 12, 2022

Christian crowdfunding website, which is hosting the crowdfund for the Freedom Convoy truck drivers, says that it will not be following the orders of the Ontario court to freeze the crowdfund and stop the transfer of funds to the protesters.

The statement comes hours after Doug Ford and the Ontario provincial government moved to freeze the funds of the Freedom Convoy, which was issued by the court for crowdfunding website GiveSendGo to stop the transfer of donations to organizers of the protest movement.

In a statement on social media, GiveSendGo wrote: “Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo.”

“All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign,” the company stated.

As previously detailed, the Ford government took legal action to freeze the funds, which was followed up by a ruling by the Ontario Superior Court.

According to a statement: "Today, the Attorney General brought an application in the Superior Court of Justice for an order pursuant to section 490.8 of the Criminal Code prohibiting any person from disposing of, or otherwise dealing with, in any manner whatsoever, any and all monetary donations made through the Freedom Convoy 2022 and Adopt-a-Trucker campaign pages on the GiveSendGo online fundraising platform.

"This afternoon, the order was issued. It binds any and all parties with possession or control over these donations."

Post: Blog2_Post

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