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Governor Cuomo Headed For Jail 🎥 Assistant Admitted to Obstruction of Justice

The Gateway Pundit Published February 16, 2021 at 7:00am 215 Comments

By not releasing the correct and total number of deaths in New York State (NYS) nursing homes – including hospitals per the U.S. DOJ’s request in August 2020, Governor Cuomo is likely guilty of obstruction of justice.

His assistant Melissa DeRosa, just admitted to obstruction of justice on a phone call with top Democratic lawmakers – outing Cuomo. Her mother-in-law is the Head of the DOJ in the Southern District of New York (SDNY), Audrey Strauss.

At least 15,000 New York State (NYS) senior citizens and people with disabilities, residents of New York nursing homes, died under this Cuomo regime in 2020. They were virtual prisoners in a congregate care system that implemented public policies that led to, not their safety, health, and security, but to their deaths.

Melissa DeRosa, Cuomo’s Assistant, stated to the Democrats on a recent conference call:

“And basically, we froze,” she reportedly said. “Because then we were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice, or what we give to you guys, what we start saying, was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation.” She reportedly added: “That played a very large role into this…
…But instead of a mea culpa to the grieving family members of more than 13,000 dead seniors or the critics who say the Health Department spread COVID-19 in the care facilities with a March 25 state Health Department directive that nursing homes admit infected patients, DeRosa tried to make amends with the fellow Democrats for the political inconvenience it caused them.
“So we do apologize,” she said. “I do understand the position that you were put in. I know that it is not fair. It was not our intention to put you in that political position with the Republicans.”It was the NY Post’s Bernadette Hogan, Carl Campanile and Bruce Golding broke this story on February 11. Hogan has been on top of this story since the beginning and has attended most of Cuomo’s press conferences in person. her coverage at the New York Post has kept the nation updated as to the horrific crimes that were being committed by the Cuomo administration in New York’s nursing homes and hospitals by virtue of NYS Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker’s Covid-19 public policies…”

Melissa DeRosa “apologized” on a conference call of top NYS Democrats last week, for the Cuomo administration for not releasing ALL the numbers as to how many New Yorkers actually died in NYS nursing homes. She put distance between herself and Governor Andrew Cuomo and then, casually kicked and threw him under the bus. All the lead-dog Dems heard her do it and they knew just what she was doing.

Melissa De Rosa’s mother-in-law is Audrey Strauss, head of the SDNY. De Rosa’s family has lobbying connections to the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) – her father and brother are top lobbyists for the GNYHA. In June we reported on how Cuomo instituted mandates that killed elderly citizens and made millions for the GNYHA:

DeRosa is the most powerful un-elected player in NYS politics as Cuomo’s “Secretary,” or top aide. She knew exactly what she was doing when she issued her “apology.” She was stabbing Cuomo in the back.

Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the GNYHA, a business corporation and “nonprofit,” in the business of making profits and deals favorable to NYS hospitals and nursing homes, cooperated in a scheme to deliver Covid-19 sick patients directly from hospitals to nursing homes. Governor Andrew Cuomo implemented this policy on March 25, 2020 through his Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, which resulted in, we now know, at least 15,000 unnecessary and cruel senior citizen deaths. In May 2020 we reported:

Andrew Cuomo declined to utilize the USNS Comfort, specifically sent to NYS by President Trump; or the Jacob Javits Center -which was set up as a field hospital; or the field hospital set up in Central Park by Samaritans Purse, a benevolent Christian organization. He could have placed recovering, Covid-19-infected patients in these facilities. He refused to. These sites remained vacant. The Comfort soon left New York harbor and sailed away and Samaritan’s Purse pulled down its field hospitals and left.

In the meantime, New York senior citizens, people with disabilities who live in nursing homes, and even people who were simply recuperating in nursing homes from recent surgeries, were being funneled from NY hospitals to NY nursing homes and back again to its hospitals to die, and the Covid-19 death toll in NYS during March, April and May 2020 was the highest in the nation, per capita, and likely the entire world. In July we reported the results of COVID in the US and in particular, New York:

The senior leadership team of Cuomo, DeRosa, and his Health Commissioner Howard Zucker – following the apparent wishes of the GNYHA, a top donor to the NYS Democratic Party and also to Andrew Cuomo – made sure the transfer of – the stream of Covid-19-infected and recovering patients from NYS hospitals continued unabated into NYS nursing homes.

Hospitals and nursing homes are two of the top health care facilities which make up the membership of the GNYHA, a ‘nonprofit’ with gross receipts of $46.7 million in 2018!

Cuomo’s decision was to move ahead with this plan, keep moving infected patients into NYS nursing homes. He NEVER ordered a stop until May 10th, when he amended his March 25 order. Most don’t realize Cuomo never fully rescinded that order, he simply amended it.

You can still purchase these posters through the Governors’ website for $14. 50 a pop:

When facts started coming out, Cuomo delivered a massive cover-up. Rather than meet the demands of the grieving families who wanted answers and the data as to WHY their family members had to die, and how many people REALLY died in NYS nursing homes, including those who were moved to hospitals and who died there, Cuomo REFUSED to provide the hospital data. He then manufactured a clever, massive cover-up and threw things in the public’s face, like his brand new book deal, the ridiculous Covid-19 posters be CLAIMED to have designed, “New York Tough,” and even proud boasts about the Emmy he received from an equally-corrupt Hollywood.

” I did a new one [ a poster] for what we went through with COVID and I think the general shape is familiar to you. We went up the mountain, we curved the mountain, we came down the other side and these are little telltale signs that, to me, represent what was going on.”

You can still purchase these posters through the Governors’ website for $14. 50 a pop:

Project Veritas did an undercover sting of NYS funeral home directors in April 2020 and uncovered extremely troubling facts:

“In late April, a Project Veritas reporter spoke with Michael Lanza, the director of Staten Island’s’s Colonial Funeral Home. “To be honest with you, all of the death certificates are writing COVID on it, they’re writing COVID on all the death certificates,” Lanza said.

Lanza said DeBlasio might see inflated COVID death tallies as a way to bring more money to New York City. “Whether they had a positive test or didn’t, so I think again this is my personal opinion, I think like the mayor and our city–they’re looking for federal funding and the more they put COVID on the death certificate the more they can ask from the federal funds.”

There are at least 15,000 families in New York State, who lost loved ones in a nursing home, loved ones who likely died alone and in fear. The number of such deaths attributable to Andrew Cuomo is more than the total number of deaths between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined.

Unfortunately for Cuomo, the mother-in-law of his assistant who outed him is the current Head of the SDNY.


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