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Dr. Royal Raymond Rife & The Rife Frequencies That Cured Cancer 80 Years Ago

February 8, 2023

by Anton Sheikh-Fedorenko | Infopathy

Have you ever heard of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife or Rife Frequencies? If not, it’s not surprising as little information is published describing Dr. Rife’s life and work and most mainstream platforms nowadays tend to discredit his contribution to the world. However, after deeper investigation, it can be seen that during Dr. Rife’s time, his scientific discoveries were actually documented in various well-regarded newspapers such as the LA Times and San Diego Tribune.

Furthermore, some regard Dr. Rife as the pioneer of bioelectric medicine, and in fact today more and more people around the world are looking into using Rife frequencies as an alternative means to diagnose and treat ailments. Herein we will present an introduction to Dr. Rife and his contribution to the field of medical microscopes and (bioelectric) medicine.

A Brief Look at the Life of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was an American scientist who was born on May 16, 1888, in Elkhorn, Nebraska and died on August 5, 1971. In 1905, he attended Johns Hopkins University to study medicine; however, he later changed his focus to bacteriology, an area he was extremely fascinated with (Fig. 1). He then attended Heidelberg University in Germany where he developed the Atlas of Parasites for the University. While attending Heidelberg University, Dr. Rife also worked with Zeiss Optics in the research, design, and production of fine microscopes.

In 1920, Dr. Rife built the first virus microscope and by 1933, he had improved the technology and introduced to the world the Universal Microscope which had almost 6,000 different parts and was capable of magnifying objects 60,000 times their normal size (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Dr. Rife working on his microscope.

One of the most appealing features of the Universal Microscope was that it allowed one to observe samples in their natural state and in real-time, much like a movie, unlike the Electron Microscope which killed the specimen and only provided still images. Dr. Rife not only was able to view viruses, which could not be observed using previous existing technology, but he also could see them change their form in response to their environment and even transform normal cells into tumor cells – something that was not even imaginable at the time.

How did Dr. Rife distinguish the viruses under investigation? His microscope used monochromatic light that caused the organism to fluoresce and allowed him to identify the virus through monitoring the color it refracted.

For instance, one of the viruses Dr. Rife isolated he called the Bacillus X (BX) virus, which gave off a distinctive purple-red emanation. Some of the headlines that were generated due to his findings included “Local Man Bares Wonders of Germ Life” and “San Diegan’s Super-Microscope Gives First View of Filtered Bacteria” (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Dr. Rife making headlines for his discoveries.

Numerous prominent physicians worked with Dr. Rife and confirmed his findings; however, given that at times it would take 20 hours or so to focus the virus, some physicians were unable to see the virus as well as its ability to change form and consequently disregarded Dr. Rife’s findings. Dr. Rife just ignored the criticism and continued with his research.

Along with the Universal Microscope, Dr. Rife also invented the heterodyning ultraviolet microscope, a micro-dissector, and a micromanipulator and due to his work, he received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg.

Dr. Rife and the Development of the Rife Machine and Rife Frequencies

During the 1920s and 1930s, Dr. Rife invented the “Rife Machine” – a device that delivers low energy electromagnetic frequency to the body with the intent of bettering the individual’s health. This device was developed based on the work of an American Physician, Dr. Albert Abrams. In essence, Dr. Rife believed that all organisms have their own, unique electromagnetic signature or frequency. He found that microorganisms were particularly sensitive to their own specific “bio-frequencies” and that they could be destroyed by bombarding them with this frequency. Given that the wave is tuned to the frequency of the microorganism, only the pathogen would be affected, leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. Records indicate that Dr. Rife was able to discover the frequency of 24 microorganisms, which included herpes, polio, pneumonia, syphilis, influenza, and typhoid.

In 1932, Rife discovered a virus in a breast tumor that he called Bacillus X (BX) virus and observed that this virus could change form based on its environment. He introduced the BX virus into rats and found that large tumors developed. Following, he exposed the tumors to the resonant frequency of the BX virus and noticed that the tumors disappeared. Due to these amazing findings, Dr. Rife was approached to use his technology on human patients, and in 1934, a human trial was conducted in Pasadena County Hospital with 16 terminally ill cancer patients who were examined by a team of well-regarded doctors and pathologists. Treatment involved two 3-minute sessions per week. After 90 days, the research team found that 14 of the patients had been cured of cancer and that the remaining two were cured following three more weeks of treatment.

In 1939 Dr. Rife was invited by speak to the Royal Society of Medicine about his findings, which they approved. However, unfortunately shortly after Dr. Rife found himself under attack by the American Medical Association (AMA), who banned the use of his machine to treat patients. To make matters worse, not too long after, someone broke into Dr. Rife’s office, destroyed his machine, and stole all his paperwork and research.

Supporters of Dr. Rife’s work were being bribed and medical journals, which are controlled by AMA, refused to publish any paper using Dr. Rife’s therapy. Within a year, Dr. Rife’s career was destroyed. To this day it continues to be unclear why the AMA turned on Dr. Rife; although many believe it is related to the pharmaceutical industry.

So, what has happened since Dr. Rife’s death?

The idea of viruses causing cancer was ignored when proposed by Dr. Rife; however, in 1983 Dr. Zur Hausen discovered that there was a link between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. This earned him a Nobel Prize in 2008.

With respect to treating diseases with resonant frequencies, currently, researchers are experimenting with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to treat cancer and although it is still in its early stages, they have found that low-frequency electromagnetic waves do in fact affect tumor cells without harming healthy surrounding cells, something that was shown by Dr. Rife almost 80 years ago. It seems that Dr. Rife’s findings are resurfacing and hopefully with time, he will receive the recognition he deserves for his ground-breaking discoveries.

Interested in trying Rife frequencies? You can find some on Infopathy - click here and look at the first few results. Usually Rife frequencies are applied directly to the body (like Method 3), but you can also try to transfer them to water, using Method 1 or Method 2.


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