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![🎥 Francis R. Connolly: “From JFK To 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick” [FULL DOCUMENTARY]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_7a62d6fe51c64c778ceb96b3aad45ca9~mv2.webp)

![🎥 PLANdemic 3: The Great Awakening - The State & Fate of America [FREE, FULL VERSION] *Please Share](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/d3caba_566de1d4df294fd788df1449c31290b1~mv2.webp)
![🎥 Enjoy The Show! - Exposing CAA, The CIA's Hollywood Control 'Talent' Agency [Full Documentary]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_ee01dc0bda134710a26318afc4c9094b~mv2.webp)

Apr 10, 20231 min read
🎥 Alternative Footage Brings Entire George Floyd Narrative Into Question - Another Psyop?
Another angle of the “arrest” and “death” of George Floyd shows that there is no one filming from the other side, which is the shot shown

Mar 15, 20234 min read
12 FACTS on Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol
The overwhelming truth about January 6th has been piling up for nearly two years now. Yet, the criminal mockingbird media remains silent.

Feb 14, 20231 min read
George Magazine: What Really Happened on Jan 6?
Over two years since one of the darkest false flags perpetrated by the US Government, we still fight to tell America the truth.

Jan 1, 20231 min read
🎥 Ray Epps Confessed To Jan. 6 Committee He ‘Orchestrated’ Attack On Capitol
Suspected Jan. 6th instigator texted his nephew on the day of the riot to brag that he arranged the Capitol breach

Dec 8, 20222 min read
Operation Northwoods: America’s Plan To Terrorize Their Own People
Operation Northwoods is yet another reminder of the dark side of history that we should always remember so we never are doomed to repeat it

Oct 9, 20221 min read
The Fedsurrection narrative crumbles: Revolver News exposes the DNC pipe bomber’s impossible story…

Aug 5, 20225 min read
🍿 The PROOF is in The Planes: Nancy Pelosi Did Not Go to Taiwan
A simple analysis of the aircraft depicted in the media proves it wasn't possible for Pelosi to have been anywhere near Taiwan.

Jun 18, 20226 min read
A Summary: January 6 for Non-Dummies
The January 6 committee is pure political theater intended to crush the MAGA movement once and for all.

Jun 5, 20221 min read
🎥 The CIA Connections & Patterns in School Shootings Can’t Be Ignored Any Longer: Reese Reports
Quite possibly the most evil, sick and disgusting psychological warfare perpetrated against the American people by the Government & media

Jun 5, 20221 min read
🎥 Part 2: Uvalde Victim Does NOT Have A Step Father! CNN & NBC Lied! - More False Flag Evidence
Someone “published” an obituary saying one “father” (both last name GARZA) is a step father. We debunked that quickly - doesn't add up.

May 28, 20221 min read
🎥 False Flag? Uvalde Shooting Victim Has Different Fathers on CNN & NBC - How?
Same victim, two networks, different fathers, two different first names - interviewed on the same day. CNN & NBC.

Apr 14, 20221 min read
🎥 The NYC Subway "Shooting" Was a False Flag - Detailed Analysis
Whether to push a legislative agenda, reinforce a narrative or divert the public's attention from another news story, this is far from new.

Apr 9, 20225 min read
FBI facilitated Whitmer “kidnapping” case goes down in flames, 2 men acquitted, 2 have mistrials
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D)- two defendants acquitted, jury unable to reach verdict in 2020 "kidnapping" plot of Whitmer

Mar 17, 20224 min read
Tracking the Worst 'Hate Crime' Hoaxes Yet: 70% of all “hate crime” allegations are fake
Around 70 % of all “hate crime” allegations are false. There's so little racism in the U.S. that people have resorted to staging "incidents"

Feb 11, 20221 min read
Book: Adam Kinzinger Brought .38 Special Revolver to the Capitol on Jan. 6
Kinzinger (R) brought a gun with him to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. He also told his wife to stay home and not join him.

Jan 11, 20221 min read
🎥 Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene Expose the Truth About January 6 (FULL PRESS CONFERENCE)
"I do not believe that there would have been the level of criminal activity on Jan. 6 of last year but for the federal government."

Dec 29, 202111 min read
Meet Ray Epps, Pt 2: Damning Details Emerge Exposing Web Of Unindicted Operators At Jan 6 Protest
6 weeks ago, Revolver published a blockbuster investigative report on Ray Epps, key to unlocking the question of active federal involvement.

Aug 24, 20211 min read
🎥 Kabul Airport "Plane" Scene Was a Staged Psy-Op
If this whole scene looked odd you’re not alone. It was STAGED. The devil is in the details

Aug 18, 20211 min read
🎥 CBS News CAUGHT Staging Long COVID Testing Lines With Fake Patients
As with much of the propaganda jammed down the American people's throats during the PLANDemic, this footage was 100% STAGED.

Jul 5, 20212 min read
🎥 STUNNING: Capitol Police Fired Exploding Flash Grenades Into Peaceful Crowd on January 6th
Flash bang grenades in close range can cause hearing loss, eye damage, and other injuries. This is government Declaring War on its people!

Jun 19, 20211 min read
🎥 New Videos Further Point to FBI Assets Staging Capitol Protest
Revolver News revealed that dozens of FBI assets were directly implicated in the 1/6 events.
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