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![🎥 Francis R. Connolly: “From JFK To 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick” [FULL DOCUMENTARY]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_7a62d6fe51c64c778ceb96b3aad45ca9~mv2.webp)

![🎥 PLANdemic 3: The Great Awakening - The State & Fate of America [FREE, FULL VERSION] *Please Share](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/d3caba_566de1d4df294fd788df1449c31290b1~mv2.webp)
![🎥 Enjoy The Show! - Exposing CAA, The CIA's Hollywood Control 'Talent' Agency [Full Documentary]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_ee01dc0bda134710a26318afc4c9094b~mv2.webp)

May 12, 20231 min read
🎥 Dr. Scott Young Explains Prices in a Post-NESARA Economy
How will the implementation of the new Quantum Financial System and the Gold Backed currency affect the price of goods?

May 8, 20231 min read
🎥 NESARA: Bankrupting The US Corporation - Dr Scott Young
how the events of 2020 masked the Trump-led military plan to bankrupt the Central Bankers and the fraudulent US Corporate government.

Apr 23, 20231 min read
🟨 Trump's Executive Orders, NESARA, & Current Events with Derek Johnson & Dr Scott Young: Part 1
What does Executive Order 13818 mean to Patriots? How does bankruptcy affect the Fed? Will EO 13848 handle the Continuity of Government?

Apr 20, 20231 min read
🟨 NESARA, QFS, and Current Events with Derek Johnson and Dr Scott Young: Part 2
What happens in the QFS for the normal person? Do Flight Tracks tell us about how the military has operated in the last two years?

Apr 18, 20231 min read
🎥 Former IRS Agent Describes Awakening To The Fact That Taxes Are Illegal 💊 The Laws Don’t Exist
There are no laws that require privately or self employed Americans to pay income taxes.

Mar 13, 20231 min read
🎥 Mel Carmine, Capt. Kyle & Kelly Discuss The Banking Collapse, The QFS, XLM & More
The Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM - digital assets are here to stay whether you like it or not.

Feb 13, 20234 min read
Why 42 States Have Removed Taxes from the Purchase of Gold and Silver
Taxing the exchange of dollars for the monetary metals is an atrocious policy for several reasons.

Feb 6, 202311 min read
🎥 Master and Commander: The Collapse of the Central Banking System Has Begun
The Rothschilds are no longer the puppet masters of the most powerful central bank in the world.
Trump is now THEIR master.

Jan 19, 20231 min read
The Quantum Financial System According to Dr. Charlie Ward
The world's foremost expert on the Quantum Financial System Discusses where we go after the crash of the Fiat system.

Jan 18, 20231 min read
🎥 Capt Kyle World Currency Revaluation & QFS With Specialist Rita & Navy Special Ops Tironianae
Capt Kyle discusses RV Revaluation of World Currency & QFS with RV Specialist Rita & Navy Spec Op Vet Tironianae

Jan 18, 20231 min read
🎥 Captain Kyle & Dr. Scott Young Discuss NESARA GESARA & The Quantum Financial System
Capt Kyle discusses NESARA GESARA with his guest speaker Dr. Scott Young.

Dec 14, 20221 min read
🎞 SG Anon & Josh Reid Discuss Musk, The QFS, Military Control & The Conclusion of The Q Operation
A roundtable discussion of global events taking place and disclosure to come as we move into the "4th quarter" of military operations.

Dec 14, 20221 min read
NESARA: How Debt Forgiveness is Reality - 💊Red Pill Series
One of the most frequent questions about NESARA is about Debt Forgiveness. Which ones will be paid off? Why will they be paid off? How?
Dec 14, 20221 min read
🎥 NESARA Explained Pt1 | The Last 2 Years - Setup | The Great Reset & The Gold Standard
What has happened in the last 2 years, 2020-2022? Is the Great Reset going to happen? Is NESARA a real thing even though I can't find info?
Dec 14, 20221 min read
🎥 NESARA Explained pt2 | Debt & The Red Pill | National Debt & Debt Based Economy
One of the biggest questions about NESARA Law is what will happen to my debts? How will the Fed Die? Won't we have to pay the national debt?
Dec 14, 20221 min read
🎥 NESARA Explained pt3 | Price vs. Value of Money | Fiat Currency - The Gold Standard
How will the Value of the Money change in relation to Price? What is the new currency? Fiat Currency and The Gold Standard

Dec 11, 20225 min read
NESARA? Or Did Banks Voluntarily Give up $15 Billion in Fees?
Banks giving up billions in profits? Signs that NESARA is imminent and we are close to the end of the Global Economic and Information War.

Dec 4, 20221 min read
🎥 How America Converted People to Corporations - Birth Certificates & The Cestui Que Vie Trust 💊
Explaining how the birth certificate is used by the Federal Government to usurp our rights, impose illegal Admiralty law & steal your money

Nov 23, 20226 min read
🪙 President Kennedy, The Fed and Executive Order 11110
Executive Order 1110 gave the US the ability to create its own money backed by silver.… And led to Kennedy being murdered by the Deep State

Oct 15, 20221 min read
Rigged. An Explanation Of The Precious Metals Markets.
A Must-read for anyone wishing to understand why metals are so significantly underpriced.

Oct 9, 20221 min read
The Mainstream Media is Now Recommending Gold - The Economy is Officially Toast 💸
When the fake news reports what we knew years ago, it's likely too late to avoid the impending financial system collapse.

Aug 7, 20221 min read
🎥 Dr. Scott Young: How FDR Created The Agencies That Stole From The American People
NESARA sounds “too good to be true” until one studies the legislative treason & banking fraud that has robbed Americans for over a century

Aug 7, 20221 min read
Bannon UNLOADS at CPAC: The Federal Reserve Has Usurped the Power of the People & Must Be Ended
Steve, a former investment banker at Goldman Sachs, called for the end of the Federal Reserve before they are able to destroy the US Dollar.

Jul 5, 20223 min read
17 Countries Will Default on Debts, “Russia & Arab Countries” Most Impactful to Record List
the international rating agency warned that the list of defaulters or defaulters may expand to 17 countries
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